Tuesday, May 1, 2007

How long?

Something like 42 hours, that's how long I made it.

That's how long I always make it. I say, "I'm quitting" and then I stop drinking on a Sunday. I'm good all day Sunday, and I go to work Monday sober, and have all my meetings and whatnot, and by the end of the day I'm wondering about finding another drink when work is over. Sometimes I quit drinking on a Saturday and make it until Monday, but it's been a while.

Yes, I'm drinking now.

I have a stress-inducing job. I have not adapted well to it, by any means. Of course, I know now, that I'm blaming my job for something that's really my problem. I started therapy with a LMFT almost a year ago to try and deal with it.

We did deal with the stress. We did make a lot of progress, but here I am, still drinking. We haven't gotten past that hurdle yet. I'm having a hard time even beginning to process the drinking, so we haven't even really touched on it.

Yes, I am an addict.

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